A Short Video on 5G Recently put together a video on 5G. The goal is to talk about the amazing science of 5G and the health impacts it manifests which can cause illness, harm and disease.
Overwhelming World of WirelessClick on image for video The New Reality The most important option is to protect yourself against the barrage of wireless radiation that impacts life and the environment. Electromagnetic radiation (EMR) is a pollutant. The environmental movement focuses on removing environmental pollution. It recognizes most illness and disease are a result of pollution. On the internet you will find many articles about environmental pollution for the general public. When the articles mention radiation pollution they fixate on atomic energy plant meltdowns. Rarely, do they talk about WiFi pollution and its impacts, although it is a major topic of discussion.
WiFi pollution is worldwide and affects every living organism. The reason for this monumental affect on health is that its effects are felt at the very deepest level of life - cellular RNA and DNA. Anything affecting this level eventually gets expressed in some manner by the living organism. It is very important to realize that government protections from dangerous levels of radiation from cell phones has not changed with the multitude of bandwidths and exposure levels. Cellphone use is so high now that natural bodily protection is insufficient. Biologically the expression of disorders, disease, sickness becomes overwhelming and epidemic. What takes place are health issues of all kinds and with significance based on the individual uniqueness. Here's a full grasp of the problem and the difficult road to proper protection. https://microwavenews.com/news-center/how-money-and-power-dominate-rf-research Keep in mind that no Health studies are allowed for WiFi exposure because it has already been proven to biologically produce cancer and therefore cannot expose a person to such a study. This is the reason the World Health Organization spent years studying rats with cell phone exposure as the only option, which did confirm cellphone exposure cancer results. Consider protection as the number one aid and that behavior decides all the rest. Here is Documentation on the effectiveness of RayGuard products. These are the most unique mitigation products available. -Michael LeVesque- Living Among Waves Upon Waves 2023 and the future is unforeseeable. Events continue to throw off the natural electrical grid of the earth. Increasing the pulsations of millimeter waves through three thousand (3,000) new 5G wave lengths. Saturation is dangerous to the biosphere and all organic life forms. The grid of the earth seeks balance. Events we are currently witnessing - dead and sick trees, insect populations plummeting, sperm count at an all-time low with no bottom in sight and environmental atmospheric degradation is all due to increased EMR levels toxifying hydrogen and oxygen molecules, creating a "Silent Spring" year-round. Satellite radiation pollution is toxic and everyone in the sciences and industry know it. The desire to protect the great wealth generated by wireless use prevents sanity and exposes everyone to disease. Confusion reigns as to what causes our many new diseases and fears grow over the exploitation of wireless interfaces to control our freedom and behavior. Of course we know our health is directly affected by many toxic environmental problems. The most pervasive is electromagnetic radiation with technology providing the interface for all wireless products and 16 billion cellphones in use world wide and the addition of trillions of antennas found in every product imaginable. Our entire biological system, and that of the planet Earth is immersed in electromagnetic radiation waves. This is the energy that creates cellular health and function of the mitochondria, the energy source for all cellular life. Water molecules in a gel state require electromagnetic wave lengths to function properly. When this extremely sensitive biological system is impacted by our extreme over exposure to electromagnetic radiation waves and extreme pulsations, all hell breaks loose! Health is affected by the decline of cellular energy that ultimately gets reflected in each of our individual lives in a particular way creating enormous variations of physical and mental illness. The governments of the world are impacted by the extreme wealth, competition, and future use of electromagnetic radiation. This drive is so strong that governments are not protecting citizens from these dramatic catastrophic effects being unleashed through our excessive and dangerous electromagnetic environment. Regardless of scientific proof, acknowledgement and awareness, the wheels move forward to greater exposures. The Government has not done its job to reduce exposures, pay attention to biological studies, and public demands for reductions and protection. This unfortunate situation requires active political participation and personal protection. Please consider the benefits of RayGuard and review our updates, website, and EMR Blog. I would like to respectfully have you consider a growing wave of freedom in Medical Rights. There is before us medical censorship of great magnitude that also reduces the government's response and intellectual pursuit for answers to the health catastrophes plaguing our country. We are in the greatest need for scientific inquiry and honest reporting of data and medical events. The proposed Medical Freedom Amendment as the 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution is a means to open the debate and need to protect Individual health through Medical Freedom and informed consent. Please look at the website and read the MFA Blog. Wishing you the best for the New Year, Longevity and Good Health! - Michael Our brains are richly populated with crystalline magnetite, containing 5 million such crystals per gram (Kirschvink, 1992 A). They appear in chains (“magnetosomes”). In the vernacular, our fields work because these chained crystals move in response, and because the information encoded in their movement (coming from our signals); their “patterns”, interacts with the magnetic fields that appear as a consequence of the brain’s electrical activity, a “field to field” effect. One of the pioneers in biological aspects of magnetic fields, Joseph Kirshvink (1992 B) wrote: “A simple calculation shows that magnetosomes [chains of magnetic particles] moving in response to earth-strength ELF fields are capable of opening trans-membrane ion channels, in a fashion similar to those predicted by ionic resonance models. Hence, the presence of trace levels of biogenic [produced or brought about by living organisms] magnetite in virtually all human tissues examined suggests that similar biophysical processes may explain a variety of weak field ELF bioeffects”. Throughout history there were many great minds and these great minds all had theories on how babies were conceived. Aristotle, Da Vinci, and thousands more. Yet they were all wrong until the development of the microscope proved that a woman's body was more than just a gestation of sperm that there was such a thing as an egg. Yet farm children had known this for a long time. RayGuard is a product that made a great difference to my health. It was important to comprehend why the product works. It was developed by an electrically sensitive engineer living in Switzerland. He wanted to produce an instrument that would address Swiss anti-electromagnetic wave laws of 1998 and 2008 and the European directive of 2013. It works on the toroidal forces of the longitudinal waves inducing the waves and reversing their direction to zero and releasing a small amount of energy. The products are successful and sold widely in Europe where scientific evaluation in Italy, Austria, Germany and France proved their effectiveness.. On my website are some of the printed studies and methodologies used in testing. Obviously, testing needs to be done by scientists that can measure the biological effects on the body and not engineers who seek to prove the safety of EMF radiation by measuring heat on a non-biological feature as allowed by US laws. The levels of radiation exposure controlled by the US government allows greatly higher levels than in the European Union. The major difficulty facing us presently is that although studies indicate one out of ten people are affected in a negative way by present exposures, the actual expression by the body to these exposures are dependent on each individual's genetic makeup and epigenetic realities of the biological system. So everyone is affected differently. Sounds familiar to the unusual effects of the spikes or debris of virons. Not only does 5G impact the health of all of us, it is scientifically proven to be even more harmful to plant life, and insects - birds, algae in the sea, every living organism and anything that contains hydrogen and oxygen which includes rain. Why is rain so important? Now more than ever satellite exposure will envelope our earth affecting the electromagnetic composition of water- composed of H2O. Hydrogen is the electrical influence of all life. When you check the pH of your body you are actually checking the voltage of the body. pH stand for potential hydrogen and when the voltage is zero the body has expired, when an EEG measures zero- one is pronounced dead. Studies are showing bad effects on rain, making it a pollutant. The oxygen molecule has a frequency wave of 60GHz which when exposed to 5G 60 GHz disrupts the diatomic interaction of the oxygen affecting absorption, iron, and magnetite. This can result in suffocation of the biological system. New RF exposures represent the greatest threat to the biosphere with increasing levels of voltage. Great unfathomable harm seems most likely to result with satellites emanating electromagnetic radiation and such high levels affecting the Schumann Resonance of the Earth, one that we all share. It is the wireless industries greatest harm to all. That will be covered more in the next blog. Thank you , Michael This has been a crazy year so far. Finally settled into my new location and have all the products available and 5G enhanced. I have felt somewhat nomadic and happy to be in a land of volcanoes with a Lake. The fires around me have subsided and the air is finally breathable. During this time I wrote an article about COVID 19 and 5G published in the Health Freedom News of the National Health Federation. Since then I have read Arthur Firstenberg's The Invisible Rainbow. This is a fabulous book! Wish I had read it before writing my article. I was prompted to get a copy after reading this excellent review. It is a grand and revealing history of the development of our electromagnetic world and its health consequences. It puts into perspective how deeply committed the economies of the world are to maintaining and growing this ever increasing specter of disease magnification while hiding harm from the general public.
How do RayGuard products work? What testing has been done? Here are some answers... RayGuard devices safely attract and transmute all modulated and pulsed EMF and Microwave frequencies that are contained in near field longitudinal waves. It does this in a passive, safe way by acting as a more powerful antenna or receiver for these waves. The body no longer acts as much as an antenna or have to process the harmful waves or be as affected by them. RayGuard devices do not affect any of the Hertz frequencies because that would degrade the actual communication signals and would render all wireless and data transference useless. It does however absorb the technological scalar waves that accompany all harmful wireless signals. These are the waves that cause tissue, blood, genetic and cellular damage, and affects the parasympathetic nervous system. Inside each RayGuard unit are internal antennas made of special metals, coated with 100% pure silver. They are coiled in specific ratios matching human DNA patterns around a proprietary column made of valuable rare earth gemstones in an amalgamated quartz cylinder. They are 100% safe, all natural and have unique wave guidance properties. These columns of exotic materials in connection with silver coils, are what become the scalar wave antenna's inside of each RayGuard device. The larger devices have up to four extra columns and are more than twice the length of the Personal RayGuard. The paired coils are mathematically structured to create a zero point infinite loop, forming a powerful scalar antenna. RayGuard antennas draw their power from the "Universal Background Field" to create toroidal forces around the coils. The toroidal forces and materials act together generating "natural scalar resonance" which acts like a mirrored magnet to the dangerous scalar or (Longitudinal Waves) of the EMF and Microwave devices. This enhanced attraction shields one from the scalar waves by drawing them into the coils, converting them back to natural waves, in effect, cancelling out the longitudinal waves. As scalar waves get drawn in, the coil reduces and embeds (compresses) them fractally, then carries them into an in-line wave to heat dissipation device, transmuting them into mild heat. This proprietary mechanism is located directly in the center column of each RayGuard device. The inner coil, minerals and dispersion mechanisms are all center seated and float within the housings so to never touch the edges, allowing optimum heat/energy dissipation to occur. This feature makes them safe to wear, hold and keep close to or touch the body. A person will never feel the heat dispersion, because the antennas fractally compress and reduce all the harmful energy back to neutral state, a return to zero point. RayGuard's harmonizing of electrosmog and geopathologies was tested with the following measuring methods. The results produced a positive significant effect and was reproduced. Here are some of the demonstration measuring methods: • Cell experiments on human cells (Centro Nazionale di Ricerca Italien) • PROGNOS system analysis (skin resistance measurements across 24 meridian end points – since 1994 applied in the space station MIR) • Electro-acupuncture measurement according to Dr. Voll (double blind study) • Computer decoder dermography • Bioelectronics according to Vincent • Dark field microscopy • Electrophysiological terminal point diagnosis • OET test (optical erythrocytic test) • ROTS test (blood sedimentation test) • REDOX analysis • Holopathy (Quint system for holistic medicine) • Kirlian photography • Aura photography • Aschhoff blood test • Kinesiology Among the institutes that have tested the efficiency of the RayGuard products are: +ESK (CE certification) +A.I.M.O. (Associazione Internazionale di Medicina Ortomoleculare Dr. med. Adolfo Panfili) Medicinal and building biology opinions: +Dr. med. Adolfo Panfili, +Dr. med. Paul Gerhard Valeske (double blind experiment), +Dr. med. Manfred Doepp (nuclear physicist) I sell RayGuard products. Nothing else.
EMF/RF radiation is what I research. Its increased intensity is the most important health issue facing us. Its perception is mysterious. Its uncontrolled exposure levels through Wi-Fi are disastrous. Electromagnetic radiation is our life force. It is the mini volts of electrical magnetic energy that prove we are alive and functioning. It is necessary for all living creatures. All elements respond to its force. Electromagnetic radiation appears to be the force that holds our galaxy and the universe together. As necessary as it is to life, electromagnetic radiation can be destructive with dangerous biological results. These harmful effects are only now being able to trace back to EMF/RF exposure. In the United States electrical engineers are the only recognized authorities by the United States government to determine the health effects of electromagnetic radiation. The Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineers (IEEE) get this authority through the Telecommunications Act 0f 1996. They have maintained through time that the same exposure levels are safe based on their tests. Electrical and electronics engineers do not measure the biology of the body. They do not measure the effects of EMF/RF radiation on nerves and cells as measured by doctors and scientists. The IEEE maintains there is no harm at present levels, whereas, scientists and medical researchers and professional maintain harm exists. There is confusion regarding evidence of harm. First, there is a difference between human effects and biological effects. Biological effects are defined by biological studies. Human effects are defined by Health Studies. Health Studies require a certain protocol, a control group and a group exposed to the pollutant being studied. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the World Health Organization (WHO) label EMF/RF radiation as a pollutant as does every wireless manufacturer. There are no human health studies of EMF/RF radiation harm and for a good reason. Over 17,000 biological studies recognize that EMF/RF radiation exposure produces leukemia, cancer, oxidative damage, DNA damage, major cellular leakage resulting in a cascade of harm, and many major mental and suicidal problems. Therefore, no human Health Study can be performed since biologically it is already proven that exposure causes cancer. Exposing a group under such known facts is forbidden by law. It would be grossly unethical. However, unintentionally, we have amassed a large data base of human effects:
No insurance company will insure the wireless industry for medical harm due to wireless exposure. By 2020 it is projected that twenty thousand satellites will be encircling the earth sending out 5 million watts per satellite upon the earth's surface, as well as drones manufactured in Hawaii the size of football fields loaded with 5G antennas, and hundreds of thousands of new surface satellites 200 to 400 feet apart with focused 5G millimeter waves. We face an environment where there is no way to opt out and there is no informed consent. It is urgent to implement the Precautionary Principle and place a moratorium on cell towers, satellite EMF/RF emissions, and use of drones for Wi-Fi transmission as being developed in Hawaii. There is a Federal preemption, upholding Article 25 of the 1996 Telecommunications Act which the wireless industry has used to protect their position against communities, cities, health organizations and medical organizations that have objected to the placement of wireless towers. . However, when imminent harm is a proven fact by biological studies a more important relief to society exists. The Precautionary Principle must be followed above all else based on its two rules. One, it is not preemptive; therefore, Article 25 cannot stand in its way. Second, it is not conditional. Therefore, there are no conditions restraining its action. It is there for the sole purpose to protect society from abuse, danger and harm. Medical and scientific authorities recognize the present danger and state it must be reduced a thousand fold. This is sufficient argument to enact the Precautionary Principle. I sell RayGuard products to provide some relief to those electrically sensitive who are exposed to the high levels allowed by our government of EMF/RF exposure. Michael
Note: July 4th, 2019 – From my back office there is a deck that overlooks the backyards of my neighbors, filled with trees and gardens. Within my yard is an enormous palm tree that spreads so wide it covers the yard. For years the songbirds come and feed from my deck, singing and socializing, bathing and taking little attention to my presence.
No longer so, no one feeds, no one sings, no one is in sight, gone, all gone. It was diminishing little by little this last year and now that 5G became rolled out, it is evacuated by birds. It was also a haven for butterflies which are no more. 5G harms birds much more than humans. Plants and insects are harmed even more. Pay attention to the trees, the growth of leaves, the dying branches, the empty spaces. Pay attention to the bees, the butterflies, the grass hoppers. It is hard to contemplate the significance of this loss except in terms of the great harm mankind is creating by his intelligence, greed, arrogance, and immorality to the biosphere, our home, our earth, as we witness extermination that must ring loudlyl doom for this our era on earth. - Michael Meanwhile, on November 5, 2018, it was reported by sott.net that hundreds of birds died during a 5G cell phone tower experiment in The Hague, Netherlands. Needless to say, this piece of news was not carried by the mainstream media. “… looking around that park you might have seen what is on the corner of the roof across the street from where they died: a new 5G mast, where they had done a test, in connection with the Dutch railway station, to see how large the range was and whether no harmful equipment would occur on and around the station. And harm happened, indeed. Immediately afterwards, birds fell dead from the trees. And the nearby ducks that were swimming seemed to react very oddly as well; they were simultaneously putting their heads underwater to escape the radiation while others flew away, landing on the street or in the canal.” Comment by Osho News: If you are also concerned for all living things on our planet, an international appeal has been set up to stop 5G on Earth and in space. Simply click in the link and you can add your name or organization to protest against this deadly invention. 5gspaceappeal.org This now deleted video after the first 15 minutes presented a full scientific exposure of 5G. It is interesting that one hears the acronym for Smart meters as "secret militarized armaments in residential technologies", makes one shudder. RML
This video described the insanity of wireless technology and the 5G roll out. The greed of trillion of dollars is beyond the level of conception mixed with immoral, unethical attachment to results overflowing with ignorance and deception. The damage from the wireless infrastructure effects the entire Earth and its biosphere. What happened to our Congress that it allowed this to happen? You may not like what I have to say next if you are into partisan politics. After all we all know that the line between Democrats and Republicans in certain areas is non-existent, as evident by the passage of the Telecommunications Act of 1996. Nevertheless, under President Ronald Reagan the Republicans held both Houses of Congress and the Republicans under Newt Gingrich, withdrew funding for OTA. It was 1995. "The Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) was an office of the United States Congress from 1972 to 1995. OTA's purpose was to provide Congressional members and committees with objective and authoritative analysis of the complex scientific and technical issues of the late 20th century, i.e. technology assessment. It was a leader in practicing and encouraging delivery of public services in innovative and inexpensive ways, including early involvement in the distribution of government documents through electronic publishing. Its model was widely copied around the world." Website info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Office_of_Technology_Assessment Why was it defunded? "It had a full-time staff of 143 people and an annual budget of $21.9 million. The Office of Technology Assessment closed on September 29, 1995. The move was criticized at the time, including by Republican representative Amo Houghton, who commented at the time of OTA’s defunding that "we are cutting off one of the most important arms of Congress when we cut off unbiased knowledge about science and technology".[2] Most Republican legislators characterized the OTA as wasteful and hostile to GOP interests. The following year 1996: Within 5 months later... "Congress gave the FCC vast powers to regulate and de-regulate all digital markets when it passed the Telecommunications Act of 1996, signed by digital signature of President Clinton in the Library of Congress in February 1996. The FCC then essentially re-wrote the regulatory landscape for wireless and wireline communication." The health issues came under the authority of the FCC not the CDC (Center of Disease Control) which had already found cellphone radiation pollution harmful to health, nor the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), NIH (National Institute of Health) nor Department of Health and Human Services. Health concerns and studies were placed in the hands of engineers whose goals were to validate wireless safety and not through biologists or other appropriate scientists which has now produced over 23,450 studies of biological harm! Now the great cesspool of deception, of lies built upon lies about cell phone's safety is revealed. We see clearly the great health damage that occurs with wireless technology by seeing just the tip of the iceberg. There are far too many negatives to allow 5G to progress as planned. It just must be stopped but it wasn't and now most of the USA highly exposed to wireless pollution of magnitude that is inconceivable.. Now what? - Action is possible: Call the FCC and complain, call your cell phone provider and complain, call your Congressman and complain, complain, moan and make it heard everywhere you can think of, and think of ways economically you can do something, get together and create ways to complain, act and be effective. It's our homes, our children, our pets, our gardens, our forests, our bees, our algae, bacteria, water are all at stake. And share this post if you think it will help. Stop 5G! Stop it right now! Michael |