![]() Our brains are richly populated with crystalline magnetite, containing 5 million such crystals per gram (Kirschvink, 1992 A). They appear in chains (“magnetosomes”). In the vernacular, our fields work because these chained crystals move in response, and because the information encoded in their movement (coming from our signals); their “patterns”, interacts with the magnetic fields that appear as a consequence of the brain’s electrical activity, a “field to field” effect. One of the pioneers in biological aspects of magnetic fields, Joseph Kirshvink (1992 B) wrote: “A simple calculation shows that magnetosomes [chains of magnetic particles] moving in response to earth-strength ELF fields are capable of opening trans-membrane ion channels, in a fashion similar to those predicted by ionic resonance models. Hence, the presence of trace levels of biogenic [produced or brought about by living organisms] magnetite in virtually all human tissues examined suggests that similar biophysical processes may explain a variety of weak field ELF bioeffects”. Throughout history there were many great minds and these great minds all had theories on how babies were conceived. Aristotle, Da Vinci, and thousands more. Yet they were all wrong until the development of the microscope proved that a woman's body was more than just a gestation of sperm that there was such a thing as an egg. Yet farm children had known this for a long time. RayGuard is a product that made a great difference to my health. It was important to comprehend why the product works. It was developed by an electrically sensitive engineer living in Switzerland. He wanted to produce an instrument that would address Swiss anti-electromagnetic wave laws of 1998 and 2008 and the European directive of 2013. It works on the toroidal forces of the longitudinal waves inducing the waves and reversing their direction to zero and releasing a small amount of energy. The products are successful and sold widely in Europe where scientific evaluation in Italy, Austria, Germany and France proved their effectiveness.. On my website are some of the printed studies and methodologies used in testing. Obviously, testing needs to be done by scientists that can measure the biological effects on the body and not engineers who seek to prove the safety of EMF radiation by measuring heat on a non-biological feature as allowed by US laws. The levels of radiation exposure controlled by the US government allows greatly higher levels than in the European Union. The major difficulty facing us presently is that although studies indicate one out of ten people are affected in a negative way by present exposures, the actual expression by the body to these exposures are dependent on each individual's genetic makeup and epigenetic realities of the biological system. So everyone is affected differently. Sounds familiar to the unusual effects of the spikes or debris of virons. Not only does 5G impact the health of all of us, it is scientifically proven to be even more harmful to plant life, and insects - birds, algae in the sea, every living organism and anything that contains hydrogen and oxygen which includes rain. Why is rain so important? Now more than ever satellite exposure will envelope our earth affecting the electromagnetic composition of water- composed of H2O. Hydrogen is the electrical influence of all life. When you check the pH of your body you are actually checking the voltage of the body. pH stand for potential hydrogen and when the voltage is zero the body has expired, when an EEG measures zero- one is pronounced dead. Studies are showing bad effects on rain, making it a pollutant. The oxygen molecule has a frequency wave of 60GHz which when exposed to 5G 60 GHz disrupts the diatomic interaction of the oxygen affecting absorption, iron, and magnetite. This can result in suffocation of the biological system. New RF exposures represent the greatest threat to the biosphere with increasing levels of voltage. Great unfathomable harm seems most likely to result with satellites emanating electromagnetic radiation and such high levels affecting the Schumann Resonance of the Earth, one that we all share. It is the wireless industries greatest harm to all. That will be covered more in the next blog. Thank you , Michael
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