This now deleted video after the first 15 minutes presented a full scientific exposure of 5G. It is interesting that one hears the acronym for Smart meters as "secret militarized armaments in residential technologies", makes one shudder. RML
This video described the insanity of wireless technology and the 5G roll out. The greed of trillion of dollars is beyond the level of conception mixed with immoral, unethical attachment to results overflowing with ignorance and deception. The damage from the wireless infrastructure effects the entire Earth and its biosphere. What happened to our Congress that it allowed this to happen? You may not like what I have to say next if you are into partisan politics. After all we all know that the line between Democrats and Republicans in certain areas is non-existent, as evident by the passage of the Telecommunications Act of 1996. Nevertheless, under President Ronald Reagan the Republicans held both Houses of Congress and the Republicans under Newt Gingrich, withdrew funding for OTA. It was 1995. "The Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) was an office of the United States Congress from 1972 to 1995. OTA's purpose was to provide Congressional members and committees with objective and authoritative analysis of the complex scientific and technical issues of the late 20th century, i.e. technology assessment. It was a leader in practicing and encouraging delivery of public services in innovative and inexpensive ways, including early involvement in the distribution of government documents through electronic publishing. Its model was widely copied around the world." Website info: Why was it defunded? "It had a full-time staff of 143 people and an annual budget of $21.9 million. The Office of Technology Assessment closed on September 29, 1995. The move was criticized at the time, including by Republican representative Amo Houghton, who commented at the time of OTA’s defunding that "we are cutting off one of the most important arms of Congress when we cut off unbiased knowledge about science and technology".[2] Most Republican legislators characterized the OTA as wasteful and hostile to GOP interests. The following year 1996: Within 5 months later... "Congress gave the FCC vast powers to regulate and de-regulate all digital markets when it passed the Telecommunications Act of 1996, signed by digital signature of President Clinton in the Library of Congress in February 1996. The FCC then essentially re-wrote the regulatory landscape for wireless and wireline communication." The health issues came under the authority of the FCC not the CDC (Center of Disease Control) which had already found cellphone radiation pollution harmful to health, nor the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), NIH (National Institute of Health) nor Department of Health and Human Services. Health concerns and studies were placed in the hands of engineers whose goals were to validate wireless safety and not through biologists or other appropriate scientists which has now produced over 23,450 studies of biological harm! Now the great cesspool of deception, of lies built upon lies about cell phone's safety is revealed. We see clearly the great health damage that occurs with wireless technology by seeing just the tip of the iceberg. There are far too many negatives to allow 5G to progress as planned. It just must be stopped but it wasn't and now most of the USA highly exposed to wireless pollution of magnitude that is inconceivable.. Now what? - Action is possible: Call the FCC and complain, call your cell phone provider and complain, call your Congressman and complain, complain, moan and make it heard everywhere you can think of, and think of ways economically you can do something, get together and create ways to complain, act and be effective. It's our homes, our children, our pets, our gardens, our forests, our bees, our algae, bacteria, water are all at stake. And share this post if you think it will help. Stop 5G! Stop it right now! Michael
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10/13/2022 07:33:27 pm
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10/20/2022 12:18:42 am
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