![]() This is my new mantra, one I learned from my daughter during the Loma Prieta earthquake back in 1989 when the house was shaking and we stood under the doorway holding on to each other while she’s yelling in my ear, “Stop it! Stop it right now!” Something she learned in school. So the other morning it came to me. This is the mantra of the 5G age. Stop it right now! Don’t waste the money. I know it’s billions of dollars of new phone business. But we already know that phones have become such a double edged sword that they are ruining health, impacting future generations, and psychologically messing with everyone in a negative way. Let's go easy on the phones- you already know what I mean. So, “Stop It! Stop It Right Now!” Consider this, telecom companies are spending fortunes for wireless, devoted to how wonderful 5G is. An article on CNET is titled, Why rural areas can't catch a break on speedy broadband- Everyone agrees on the mission to connect more people. But no one can agree on how to do it.- By Marguerite Reardon, October 23, 2018 In her article she talks at length about the plans and promises of 5G networks. She also provides an insight into an alternative, a solution, for me, a needed political action. Tried and true technology For decades, much of the work the FCC has done in getting broadband to rural America has centered on providing subsidies and incentives to traditional phone companies. Most Americans, including those living in rural parts of the country, rely on various flavors of fixed broadband infrastructures, such as DSL or cable modem service. The lucky few are able to get access to fiber, which is considered the gold standard in broadband because it provides near limitless capacity. But pushing fiber closer to customers or directly to their door is expensive. An FCC report authored by Paul de Sa, former chief of the FCC's Office of Strategic Planning and Policy Analysis under then-FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler, estimated it would take $40 billion to expand internet access to cover 98 percent of Americans and another $40 billion to deliver broadband to 100 percent of the US population. Cheaper alternatives While fiber is the ideal, it's unlikely Congress will come up with an additional $40 billion to $80 billion to pay for it. That's where wireless comes in. This is why government and democracy are so important. So do you want to continue paying out of your pocket to private companies or do you want to see your tax dollars spent on yourself instead of bank bailouts. We can actively have our legislators introduce and vote for such solutions and prevent a health catastrophe waiting to happen. Otherwise, by continuing on our path of wireless electromagnetic frequency exposure to ourselves and the environment we will be creating in our lifetime and for those generations to come such health costs that will bankrupt and ruin this country. Now is the time to act, we must protect our children and our environment. Asked about 5G? --- “STOP IT! STOP IT RIGHT NOW!” -Go fiber optics throughout the country. Michael