Received an email I wish to share:
I went to your blog and read. It was very interesting and quite disturbing. If implemented the way you describe, it will only be a matter of time until all people can be controlled/killed with this infrastructure. Or just end up sick... Neither are desirable. Is there anything that can reasonably be done to prevent this? I would like to follow your blog and read more, but haven't done that before and didn't see how I might sign up. Also, I would like to know how may I measure EMFs in my home? I really need to know what levels exist, especially since I am now here many more hours than before and there is a tower nearby. I have one household Rayguard device, but may need another or need to move it around with me. ??? My response: Don't mean to overly excite by the blog. I do mean to share some of my experience and concerns for people's health. The main concern regarding the tower nearby is to take measurements to see if the EMF and RF frequencies are strong within your home. If they are, there are easy ways to protect anyone within the building. Generally walls are sufficient to reduce harm, though it appears 5G does do so easily at short ranges- but windows can allow heavy exposure and can be shielded with a clear sheet coating made in Switzerland and available from Safe Living Technologies- They are a Canadian company that also sell good measuring instruments. Their ME 3830B M/E Analyzer is a good investment. Something inexpensive is the simple Ghost Meter found on for EMFs only and is quite accurate. The most important thing is to avoid home wireless routers and wireless phones, plus reducing iphone use as much as possible. My next two blogs reflect some observations from my recent jury duty that you might find interesting. The RayGuard Mobil units is ideal for travel and to keep as a constant companion to reduce exposure. Still it may not be sufficient during sleeping hours if there is a wireless network and router being used during sleeping time. Turn it off and enjoy a much better sleep and rising. My own sensitivities are so great that a wireless router during sleep causes optic images and brain static along with a tightening of the jaw. Wouldn't wish that on anyone. It is time to get politically motivated and at least let your concerns be heard by your congressional representatives, most of whom are in the dark regarding this ongoing crisis and impending acceleration of exposure. There are some excellent books to read. One of my favorites is An Electronic Spring by Katie Singer. Other excellent books are Over Powered by Martin Blank, PhD, Dirty Electricity by Samual Milham, MD, PhD, Zapped by Ann Louise Gittleman and others in my library. In the right column is a RSS Feed which allows you to get updates for this blog. Thanks for your letter! til later, Michael
As I mentioned earlier in one of the Blogs. I was on jury duty. And what a difference! Amazing as we all went for our well deserved 15 minute break. The jury selection is a long prodigious process necessary to come up with as much as possible fair minded jurors. So here we all are, well except for my solitary pacing up and down the hall taking in all the nuances of the speckled floor around the drinking fountains, the endless series of fluorescent lights, the cameras and antennas., the small shells petrified in the sandstone walls. Everyone, literally everyone, every single body in the hallway for 15 minutes straight remained motionless- that's about 55 people! Not one word was uttered once, and no one looked at anyone else. Amazing, so totally different than a few years ago when jury duty called out to me. It's a citizen's obligation and though it's a pain, it's also a privilege. So there soon appeared a strange smile on my face that came from nowhere. This is comedy material of the highest order! It was like a time warp cartoon in which all human activity ceases as everyone stares, hunched over, peering at their telephone screens. It must be so utterly fascinating. But it wasn't really something to smile about and a bit of shame for seeing the humor and sadness came over me, not unlike... “I feel tremendous guilt,” admitted Chamath Palihapitiya, former Vice President of User Growth at Facebook, to an audience of Stanford students. He was responding to a question about his involvement in exploiting consumer behavior. “The short-term, dopamine-driven feedback loops that we have created are destroying how society works,” (my addition, when the phone is missing) About 73% of people claim to experience this unique flavor of anxiety, which makes sense when you consider that adults in the US spend an average of 2-4 hours per day tapping, typing, and swiping on their devices—that adds up to over 2,600 daily touches. - from Science in the News, Harvard University How much exposure does that produce to our eyes, and body. One time an employee said to me she was having a strange ailment with her right index finger. It had become red and slightly swollen. The first question that came to mind was, do you text? Immediately she made the connection because she always did and her immediate response was NO, NO I will not give up texting! End of conversation. til later, Michael Caveat emptor! A real mix-up of purpose is taking place. It is using everything in its unrelenting power to determine our future... Spent last week on jury duty. It was a criminal case. The judge went to great length explaining to we prospective jurors the great fundamental right "innocent until proven guilty", and the right of a defendant not to be required to give testimony as stated in the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution. This constitutional protection is part of our essence and flows from English Common Law. This is not the case in other parts of the world, for example Napoleonic Law, a person accused of a crime is presumed guilty and must prove his innocence. Due to our proclivity to transfer concepts into other areas of reason, we view positive information of progress with its assurance of safety as presumed fact. If there is any criticism there needs to be proof of harm. Sort of like 5G is safe progress/innocent until proven dangerous/guilty. Proving dangerous is difficult and takes time. On the other hand, in Europe something as new as 5G network must first prove safety because it is outside the realm of experience. Therefore, 5G is dangerous/guilty until proven safe/innocent. Proving safety is difficult and takes time. So here we have two different approaches. 5G represent wave lengths and not people, persons, or individuals as protected by the US Constitution. However, you would think so by what is called the "promotional spin" used in business to get their product accepted and used long before studies are made on safety. The "promotional spin" from tele-corporations spins anything and everything, scientific data, future benefits, safety, proclaiming how wonderful life will be affected, morphing into the best, most, latest, and safest. It goes direct to the media and the government spinning its story non-stop. To mitigate this "spin" science has come up with a new term, "the precautionary principle". It attempts to take the dangerous and safe perspectives and allow testing, data, and accuracy to reveal the existence of safety or harm long before the use and establishment. This takes time, meanwhile the wheels of the tele-corporations are at work getting governmental approval. Studying 5G network for safety by the government is not happening. Tests have already shown an increase in cancer for firemen at stations using 5G networks, yet this seems to be ignored when huge sums of money come into overshadow harm. The promotional spin is in full tilt throughout media way ahead of the precautionary principle. We are faced with something new and presented as safe with the burden to prove unsafe upon those who suffer harm. 5G is being pushed upon us forcefully by the CTIA. The telecommunications industry is once again determining our new reality whether we want it or not. Beware. til later, Michael ...could lead to falling down the stairs. Reality has that ability to morph into whatever we experience. The more, the better and wider and deeper, and there are few if any great things we dare speak with arrogant absolutism. None of us have the same perception, nor do we think alike. But we know there is more , so much more and its always increasing, evolving, forcing us to be ever searching, amazed and humble. That's the case of this controversial EMF subject. On one side we have doctors, scientists, electricians, researchers, and consumer groups presenting studies. On the other side we have industry specialists, communication specialists, and money presenting their studies. Basically, one far outweighs the other when calling for caution and reduction of exposure to EMFs in the environment. But, and that's a big, big BUT, money outweighs all else. With greed comes deviation, collusion, manipulation, secrecy and guilt. How deep it goes is how desperate is the goal, how extensive is the delusion and commitment. Here is a recent indictment of collusion on cell phones. Through all this controversy we are learning more than we thought possible about ethics and science and the electromagnetic universe. Our eyes are widened further by how it all works and who says what and why. We are getting a deeper comprehension of existence and the use of truth in context. At a hearing for a cell tower, one of the company's employees said to me. "You know birds build nests on cell towers." That's a fact of the past of course, because birds are smart creatures and abandon nests after the eggs never hatch, and never return. So everywhere you look now on the internet you'll find excellent blogs and articles about the dangers of EMFs. Yet in the general media there's only the occasional exposure, but it's there and popping up more all the time. Does it matter? Seems that the ominous 5G network is all wagging the tail, and hiring lawyers, and cozening up to politicians and administrators. It doesn't seem to matter. Is this progress spelled suffering? Go to the internet and put in 5G network and all you'll see offered are how wonderful it will be and how benign it is and all the great benefits it will provide. After a thorough reading you'll be convinced that anyone against it must be wacko, on the edge of reality or just plain having an ax to grind for no apparent reason at all. But that's not the case, caveat emptor. Science will be listened to eventually, just like lead poisoning, radiation poisoning, environmental poisoning, as the harm mounts up. Keep in mind that we are electric creatures and like all else on this wondrous planet we require certain levels of EMFs to exist. Death is pronounced after the last spark of electricity is no longer measured on the electroencephalograph (EEG). However, that amount of juice we require is very small and its a measurement of our body's pH (potential hydrogen). A pH voltmeter measures our pH in millivolts and reaching an optimal level of 7.88 cellular pH of cellular voltage -50millivolts, all kinds of healthy processes move forward in our body. To get a deeper exposure to this aspect of health, read Jerry Tennant's book, Healing is Voltage. And then there's the other side he covers, that of disease. Til next time, Michael Yes, be aware and beware of the major 500 billion dollar telecommunications industry takeover. As you listen to Phil Matier's commentary on what's happening for the future, take stock that it's coming, even if it's not supposed to come. Neither is global warming supposed to come. Ethics lie in the deed that is done. It is the treatment of each other where ethics finds its place. There are many uses of the 5G network, such as the military's Active Denial System at 95 gigahertz. Let's not be shortsighted thinking only of the 5G networks ability to speed nano seconds off your entertaining videos or direct driver-less taxis and delivery trucks. 5G is at the far end of the blue spectrum of light. That's the dangerous end of light where the further you go, you end up with a simple 5 watt laser beam that can burn a whole through thick steel plates in moments. These wave lengths are not toys and the telecommunication industry wishes to allow up to 60 gigahertz of power in the 5G networks. "The human body has between two million to four million sweat ducts. Dr. Ben-Ishai of Hebrew University, Israel explains that our sweat ducts act like “an array of helical antennas when exposed to these wavelengths,” meaning that we become more conductive. A recent New York study which experimented with 60GHz waves stated that “the analyses of penetration depth show that more than 90% of the transmitted power is absorbed in the epidermis and dermis layer.” The effects of MMWs as studied by Dr. Yael Stein of Hebrew University is said to also cause humans physical pain as our nociceptors flare up in recognition of the wave as a damaging stimuli. So we’re looking at possibilities of many skin diseases and cancer as well as physical pain to our skin." from- 5G Radiation Dangers – 11 Reasons To Be Concerned So with atomic energy we get the atomic bomb, with 5G network we get blistering fast telecommunications and the ability to microwave and cook people. And the FCC is allowing 5G phones to come to market that will have an effective radiated power that is ten times as high as for 4G phones, but that's not what the 5G sites say. And 4G phone companies are already paying out on lawsuits for brain tumors. Once full disclosure happens those lawsuits could start to gather in many more ailments that are brushed off as anything but that. til later, Michael